Thank you for your inquiries concerning the RagaMuffin. The RagaMuffin is a most unique
and purrsonable cat, possessing qualities found no where else in the feline world. A huge
Teddybear of a cat, that has the ability to go limp when picked up. RagaMuffin females
normally weigh 10-15 lbs, while males can tip the scales at over 20 lbs. The skeletal
frame is larger than most other cats, enabling them to carry this extra weight most
gracefully. Full growth takes 3-4 years.
RagaMuffins come from the original International Ragdoll
Cat Association (IRCA) Ragdoll lines,
which have been bred outside the cat fancy for more than thirty years. About twenty years
ago a number of breeders abandoned the originator of the breed and her breeding program,
and began breeding Ragdolls on their own. They took with them just a small part of what
the Ragdoll was intended to be, just a few colors and patterns. Eventually they petitioned
for acceptance in some registries. Today's RagaMuffin continued to be bred in isolation
outside the cat fancy during that twenty year period under IRCA. In February 1994 another
large group of breeders left the originator and petitioned for registry as RagMuffins in
ACFA, UFO, ICE and CFF. They were accepted.
Why did we change the name from Ragdoll to RagaMuffin? Simply, there is a valid
trademark on the name Ragdoll held by the originator IRCA. No one can legally use the name
without the permission of the owner. We feel as a matter of principle the trademark should
be honored. In addition most RagaMuffin breeders have signed contracts that state we must
change the name of our breed or spay and neuter our cats if we choose not to breed our
animals in the originating group. Because we have the highest regard for ethical standards
and believe giving our word stands for something important, we have honored our contracts
and changed the name of our breed to RagaMuffin.
As the RagaMuffin matures the head broadens to a modified wedge with a rounded
appearance. This gives them a dignified but sweet face. Combine this with the unbeatable
personality, large size, and low maintenance coat for the ultimate feline
companion. They will do just about anything for a cuddle or tummy rub. They are
intelligent, sweet and get along well with children and household pets. In fact, they
possess some puppy-like qualities. They are always underfoot and will follow at their
families heels. They enjoy fetching and can be taught tricks.
The original IRCA Ragdoll cats were not colorpoints. They came in a variety of colors.
The breed was developed with the intent to produce the finest feline companion.
personality and temperament were most important, than coat color. The pointed pattern
appeared much later in the breeding program as an addition not a replacement. RagaMuffin
breeders believe the original non-colorpoints as valuable and worthy of preserving as the
pointed cats.
While shopping for a RagaMuffin please keep in mind that they are RagaMuffins first and
foremost because of their disposition. Although the majority are blue-eyed colorpoints. a
RagaMuffin can be solid, tabby or tortie with green, gold or copper eyes. After the
wonderful disposition, important characteristics are large size, stocky build, broad head
and mat resistant fur.
We are members of the RagaMuffin
Associated Group, Inc. (RAG). As members we must abide by a strict code of ethics and
cattery guidelines, keeping our reputation and that of RAG beyond reproach. We are small
family run catteries. Because we only have a few litters a year, if we do not have the
kitten you are looking for, we can help you find a RAG breeder
who does. That way you can be sure of buying a happy, healthy kitten, raised in the best
Because the RagaMuffin is not weaned until twelve weeks, we do not send them to their
new homes until they are sixteen weeks old. It is our objective to maintain the good
disposition and excellent health that the RagaMuffin enjoys today.
Because of the RagaMuffins trusting nature they are strictly
indoor cats.

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ultimate@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about
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